Documentation is available at XteaTest.php
- <?php
- /* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
- //
- // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
- // | PHP version 4.0 |
- // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
- // | Copyright (c) 2002-2004 The PHP Group |
- // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
- // | This source file is subject to version 2.02 of the PHP license, |
- // | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is |
- // | available at through the world-wide-web at |
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- // | so we can mail you a copy immediately. |
- // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
- // | Authors: Jeroen Derks <> |
- // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
- //
- // $Id: XteaTest.php,v 1.12 2004/10/04 19:51:56 jeroend Exp $
- /** Xtea class */
- 'Crypt/Xtea.php';
- /** PHPUnit class */
- 'PHPUnit.php';
- /**
- * Tester class for Xtea class.
- * Tester class for Xtea class.
- *
- * @package Crypt_Xtea_Test
- * @access public
- *
- * @version $Revision: 1.12 $
- * @since 2002/Aug/28
- * @author Jeroen Derks <>
- */
- class Crypt_XteaTest extends PHPUnit_TestCase
- {
- var $obj;
- var $data;
- var $key;
- function Crypt_XteaTest($method) {
- global $profiling;
- $this->profiling = $profiling;
- $this->PHPUnit_TestCase($method);
- }
- function setUp() {
- $this->obj = new Crypt_Xtea();
- $this->key = '0123456789abcdeffedcba9876543210';
- if (!$this->profiling) $this->startTimer('data');
- //$this->data = '1'; return;
- //$this->data = '01234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; return;
- $this->data = '';
- for ($i = 0; $i < 256; ++$i) {
- $this->data .= chr($i & 0xff);
- }
- if (!$this->profiling) $this->endTimer('data');
- }
- function testIter() {
- $this->obj->setIter(36);
- $this->assertEquals(36, $this->obj->getIter());
- }
- function testCrypt() {
- $start = IsSet($this->profiling) && $this->profiling ? strlen($this->data) - 3 : 0;
- if (0 == $start) {
- $walker = '-\|/';
- echo "Testing... ";
- flush();
- }
- for ($i = $start; $i < strlen($this->data); ++$i)
- {
- if (0 == $start) {
- echo $walker{$i % 4} . sprintf(" %4u", $i) . str_repeat("", 6);
- flush();
- }
- if (!$this->profiling) $this->startTimer('data');
- $data = substr($this->data, 0, $i);
- if (!$this->profiling) $this->endTimer('data');
- if (!$this->profiling) $this->startTimer('encrypt');
- $encrypted = $this->obj->encrypt($data, $this->key);
- if (!$this->profiling) $this->endTimer('encrypt');
- if (!$this->profiling) $this->startTimer('decrypt');
- $decrypted = $this->obj->decrypt($encrypted, $this->key);
- if (!$this->profiling) $this->endTimer('decrypt');
- if (!$this->profiling) $this->startTimer('assert');
- $this->assertEquals(strlen($data), strlen($decrypted));
- $this->assertEquals($data, $decrypted, "run $i failed: expected '***' (".strlen($data)."), actual '***' (".strlen($decrypted).")");
- if (!$this->profiling) $this->endTimer('assert');
- }
- if (0 == $start) {
- echo " ";
- flush();
- }
- }
- function _testHuge() {
- set_time_limit(99999);
- if (!$this->profiling) $this->startTimer('data');
- $data = '';
- for($i = 0; $i < 1024 * 1024; ++$i)
- $data .= chr($i & 0xff);
- if (!$this->profiling) $this->endTimer('data');
- if (!$this->profiling) $this->startTimer('encrypt');
- $encrypted = $this->obj->encrypt($data, $this->key);
- if (!$this->profiling) $this->endTimer('encrypt');
- if (!$this->profiling) $this->startTimer('decrypt');
- $decrypted = $this->obj->decrypt($encrypted, $this->key);
- if (!$this->profiling) $this->endTimer('decrypt');
- if (!$this->profiling) $this->startTimer('assert');
- $this->assertEquals(strlen($data), strlen($decrypted));
- $this->assertEquals($data, $decrypted, "run $i failed: expected '***' (".strlen($data)."), actual '***' (".strlen($decrypted).")");
- if (!$this->profiling) $this->endTimer('assert');
- }
- function testCipher() {
- if (!$this->profiling) $this->startTimer('data');
- $v = array(0x1, 0x61000000);
- $v = array(0x12345678, 0xffffffff);
- $w = array(0, 0);
- $k = array(0x01234567, 0x89abcdef, 0x01234567, 0x89abcdef);
- if (!$this->profiling) $this->endTimer('data');
- printf("original:\n");
- printf("v[0] = %10lu (0x%8lx)\n", $v[0], $v[0]);
- printf("v[1] = %10lu (0x%8lx)\n", $v[1], $v[1]);
- if (!$this->profiling) $this->startTimer('encipher');
- $this->obj->_encipherLong($v[0], $v[1], $w, $k);
- if (!$this->profiling) $this->endTimer('encipher');
- printf("encrypted:\n");
- printf("w[0] = %10lu (0x%8lx)\n", $w[0], $w[0]);
- printf("w[1] = %10lu (0x%8lx)\n", $w[1], $w[1]);
- if (!$this->profiling) $this->startTimer('decipher');
- $this->obj->_decipherLong($w[0], $w[1], $r, $k);
- if (!$this->profiling) $this->endTimer('decipher');
- printf("decrypted:\n");
- printf("v[0] = %10lu (0x%8lx)\n", $r[0], $r[0]);
- printf("v[1] = %10lu (0x%8lx)\n", $r[1], $r[1]);
- if (!$this->profiling) $this->startTimer('assert');
- $this->assertEquals((int) $v[0], $r[0], sprintf("$v[0] (%lu = 0x%lx) != $r[0] (%lu = 0x%lx)", $v[0], $v[0], $r[0], $r[0]));
- $this->assertEquals((int) $v[1], $r[1], sprintf("$v[1] (%lu = 0x%lx) != $r[1] (%lu = 0x%lx)", $v[1], $v[1], $r[1], $r[1]));
- if (!$this->profiling) $this->endTimer('assert');
- }
- function testShift() {
- $x = -12345678;
- $n = 2;
- $y = $this->obj->_rshift($x, $n);
- $z = $x << $n;
- $this->assertEquals((int) 0x3fd0e7ac, $y, "$x >> $n");
- $this->assertEquals((int) 0xfd0e7ac8, $z, "$x << $n");
- $x = 0xffffffff;
- $n = 5;
- $y = $this->obj->_rshift($x, $n);
- $z = $x << $n;
- $this->assertEquals((int) 0x7ffffff, $y, "$x >> $n");
- $this->assertEquals((int) 0xffffffe0, $z, "$x << $n");
- $x = 0x90000000;
- $n = 2;
- $y = $this->obj->_rshift($x, $n);
- $z = $x << $n;
- $this->assertEquals((int) 0x24000000, $y, "$x >> $n");
- $this->assertEquals((int) 0x40000000, $z, "$x << $n");
- }
- function testAdd() {
- $result = $this->obj->_add(-0x12345678, 0xfffffffe, 0x80000000, 0xfedcba98, 0xabcdef01);
- $this->assertEquals((int) 0x1876531f, $result, '_add(-0x12345678, 0xfffffffe, 0x80000000, 0xfedcba98, 0xabcdef01)');
- }
- function tearDown() {
- $this->obj = NULL;
- }
- function startTimer($label) {
- $time0 = strtok(microtime(), ' ');
- $time1 = strtok(' ');
- $timer =& $this->_getTimer();
- $timer[$label][] = (string) $time1 . substr($time0, 1);
- }
- function endTimer($label) {
- $time0 = strtok(microtime(), ' ');
- $time1 = strtok(' ');
- $timer =& $this->_getTimer();
- $timer[$label][] = (string) $time1 . substr($time0, 1);
- }
- /**
- * @static
- */
- function &_getTimer() {
- static $timing = NULL;
- if (!IsSet($timing))
- {
- $time0 = strtok(microtime(), ' ');
- $time1 = strtok(' ');
- // start _global
- $timing = array('_global' => array((string) $time1 . substr($time0, 1)));
- }
- return $timing;
- }
- /**
- * @static
- */
- function getTimings() {
- $time0 = strtok(microtime(), ' ');
- $time1 = strtok(' ');
- $timer =& Crypt_XteaTest::_getTimer();
- $timer['_global'][1] = (string) $time1 . substr($time0, 1);
- $labels = array_keys($timer);
- $results = array();
- // calculate times and calls
- sort($labels);
- foreach ($labels as $label) {
- $results[$label]['time'] = 0.0;
- $results[$label]['calls'] = 0;
- $n = count($timer[$label]);
- for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i += 2) {
- $results[$label]['time'] += (float) $timer[$label][$i + 1] - $timer[$label][$i];
- ++$results[$label]['calls'];
- }
- }
- // calculate percentages
- foreach ($labels as $label) {
- $results[$label]['perc'] = ( $results[$label]['time'] * 100.0 ) / $results['_global']['time'];
- }
- // output results
- echo "Timing results:\n" .
- sprintf("%-20s %13s %8s %10s%%\n", 'Label', 'time', '#calls', 'perc') .
- str_repeat('-', 57) . "\n";
- foreach ($labels as $label) {
- printf("%-20s %13s %8lu %10s%%\n",
- $label,
- sprintf("%.8f", $results[$label]['time']),
- $results[$label]['calls'],
- sprintf("%.6f", $results[$label]['perc']));
- }
- }
- }
- ?>
Documentation generated on Thu, 25 May 2006 15:31:28 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.3.0RC3