Packageindex Classtrees Modulegroups Elementlist Report XML Files




3 Warning(s).
[function] crypt_xteatest missing
1st parameter "$method" is not documented add "@param (object objectname|type) [description]" to the end of the @param[eter] list.
[function] starttimer missing
1st parameter "$label" is not documented add "@param (object objectname|type) [description]" to the end of the @param[eter] list.
[function] endtimer missing
1st parameter "$label" is not documented add "@param (object objectname|type) [description]" to the end of the @param[eter] list.


6 Warning(s).
[function] decrypt mismatch
1st parameter "$enc_data" does not match the documented name "$data", update the tag to "@param string $enc_data Encrypted data to decrypt." or "@param string Encrypted data to decrypt.", the variable name is optional.
[function] _resize mismatch
1st parameter "&$data" does not match the documented name "$data", update the tag to "@param string &$data Data string to resize to specified size." or "@param string Data string to resize to specified size.", the variable name is optional.
[function] _rshift missing
1st parameter "$integer" is not documented add "@param (object objectname|type) [description]" to the end of the @param[eter] list.
[function] _rshift missing
2nd parameter "$n" is not documented add "@param (object objectname|type) [description]" to the end of the @param[eter] list.
[function] _add missing
1st parameter "$i1" is not documented add "@param (object objectname|type) [description]" to the end of the @param[eter] list.
[function] _add missing
2nd parameter "$i2" is not documented add "@param (object objectname|type) [description]" to the end of the @param[eter] list.


2 Warning(s).
[module] /tmp/pear-apidoc/tests/XteaTest.php collision
PHPDoc is confused: module files must not contain classes. Doc will probably be broken, module gets ignored.
[class] collision
Warning: found a module comment in a class file. Module comment gets ignored, doc might be broken.


2 Warning(s).
[module] /tmp/pear-apidoc/Xtea.php collision
PHPDoc is confused: module files must not contain classes. Doc will probably be broken, module gets ignored.
[class] collision
Warning: found a module comment in a class file. Module comment gets ignored, doc might be broken.

Packageindex Classtrees Modulegroups Elementlist Report XML Files
Generated on Thu, 25 May 2006 15:31:25 +0200 by PHPDoc v1.5